Friday, 30 April 2010

The Latest Ramblings and Rantings

Well. This week has been pretty non eventful but you can guarantee I'll get some healthy script out of it none-the-less.

Today I made truffles. Those of you who don't know me will no doubt stop reading this blog now. Starting with 'I made truffles' will lead you to believe this blog is like the hundreds of other blogs on here where people put up quaint pictures of their kids with bows in their hair and talk about making jam and baking. I do not have kids and, just for the record, if I did I would not put bows in their hair. Especially when they were babies. You know those hairband type things with bows on that people put on babies? Never got that. Vile. Anyway. Neither do I do cooking or anything of a culinary nature. But yesterday I made shortbread and it was fucking awful so today I attempted truffles and subsequently feel quite nauseous. They are too rich, particularly if you eat the equivalent of several of them; I say 'equivalent' because I didn't actually get to forming them into neat round truffles; I just ate the mixture straight out of the bowl with a spoon. Urgh. This is why I am obese. I did at least wait the few hours it took for them to go from runny to truffle like so that's something in the way of willpower. Anyway I am now cooking jacket potatoes for us which I intend to have with salad because after the nausea inducing truffle mixture I am craving something relatively healthy; goodness here I come. I don't usually do salad; I am effectively a salad-dodger, another prep for obesity. Salad just conjures up images of iceberg lettuce and I can't bear the stuff; it's grim. It's padding. I have no desire to eat anything I label as padding. It is effectively crunchy water and therefore just utterly pointless.

I digress. Although this blog is all about what comes from digression so I can't promise it won't happen again.

[it is now 20 hours later and there has been considerable beerage and more truffle mixture consuming in the meantime]

So anyway, this week. What did it bring? Dale has applied for four jobs this week and not yet heard back from any of them. I am hopeful though as the pace of life in Cornwall is such that no-one does anything with any urgency - hence my latest job-applying antics. So I am optimistic. Talking of the job I applied for, I finally received some feedback via email today; it turns out they wanted someone with a youth work qualification so there we have it. At least I know. I am very excited about Dale getting a different job. Partly because I believe he is wasted on the current one and they treat him like crap given the fact that he is a fantastic employee and works above and beyond the call of duty always. I feel he deserves a better role. Also I need him to be earning more to be honest! Being the bread winner is extreme pressure. I think he thinks I see it as some sort of competition and that I would be disappointed if he earned more than me but that couldn't be further from the truth! After two years of being with him my feminist attitude has dwindled and I am extremely eager to be a kept woman! Now I have no disillusion that this is a realistic possibility but I would like things on the financial side to be more equal. To be honest I am a bit jealous of his position; I would quite like to do a no brainer job that paid me peanuts but it's not an option for us. Also, I earn two thirds of our combined salary and reap the benefit of half of our combined salary which does piss me off if I'm honest! Not really in a monetary sense; just in a 'pull your fucking weight' sense! Horrid aren't I?! But I really flippin want an iphone and can't afford one! Grrrrrr! I'm only being honest!

So he's applied for a job in the local bakery, a job in care home for the elderly, a support role for a guy with aspergers and a job as 'clinical imaging assistant' at the hospital. Quite a variety. I hope he gets the aspergers one. I think he would be great at it; it's local so no petrol implications and reasonable money. But I'd be happy with whatever he was happy with. And he went off the nursing home one when he attended for the interview to be honest so let's hope he doesn't get that one!

Back to the iphone. Up until this week I'd never really been interested in having one. I am always slow on the uptake when it comes to technology and I had actually thought, regarding the iphone, well now is the time to admit there's no going back; I am officially past the age of being able to understand new technology. But that was always slightly hindered by the fact that my dad has one. Now I've started to see how it would benefit me I'm feeling impatient and want one NOW. This is quite usual. I am being sensible though. I can either order one now for free and sign up to paying £45 a month for like the rest of my life (two years) or pay £90 for the phone and sign up to paying £35 a month for two years. I need to be sensible and patient and wait until I have the £90. See this is the irritating thing re the wages. I got paid yesterday and because we are monetary fuckwits who aren't happy unless we are spending we've already got hardly anything left. Out of £2,350. Ludicrous. In fact I don't actually want to dwell on that frightening last statement. So anyway. I shall wait until next month and spend my expenses on a shiny new iphone.

Other happenings this week. A friendship ended. Only a temporary one although obviously I didn't know it was temporary until it ended this week and can in hindsight tell you it was temporary because it only lasted a few months. It has been a long time since I met someone who is the complete opposite of me, which in actual fact is quite amazing given that my character is probably an extreme of some sort. This girl is genuinely cool and what originally bonded us; a desire to lose weight by attending the gym and a mutual distaste for being treated like mugs obviously wasn't enough to base a friendship on. It was an interesting psychological experiment in that we are both very forthright in our opinions yet our opinions on EVERYTHING were complete opposites. I could go into examples but it would come across as one-sided and I don't want to talk about how she was wrong in every opinion she has; her opinions aren't wrong - just the opposite of mine. It was a real dilemma for a while because conversations (over facebook as this is her favoured method of contact) were getting more and more strained and I didn't know what to do. I even asked friend's advice. Good old Michelle said 'Jesus Christ, direct her to bunny boilers anonymous and be done with it!' Annie said she was obviously a complete control freak as some of her messages were unbelievably bossy; she had got extremely frustrated when I wouldn't go to the gym because I was moving house and didn't have time. Eventually she told me that conversations with me were becoming stressful rather than pleasurable and I was so relieved because that's exactly how I had felt but just hadn't got the guts to say it! But funnily enough I didn't have the guts to say it because I thought it was mean and I didn't think she deserved me to be mean just because she has different opinions to me! But I am glad she said it because it put a stop to some heated debates that I really wasn't enjoying.

This lead to a massive facebook cull. This girl does everything over facebook and whilst I am slightly obsessed with it the fact that I didn't respond to an event she had posted actually on facebook (I had responded in person which I thought was sufficient and possibly better but apparently not) was another thing I had done that pissed her off and lead to the end of the friendship. I started thinking about this whole bloody facebook thing and the bits about it I absolutely DETEST yet put up with because there are bits of it I love and I decided I would try and get rid of some of the bits I detest. There is no way to avoid people not appreciating that the way I use it is different to the way they use it but I am hopeful that meeting someone who lacks this appreciation will not happen again in a hurry. I ended up deleting 200 people. People who were either faces from the past, or people to whom I was merely a notch on their virtual friends list. This was partly due to a boy adding me a couple of weeks ago whose name I knew as a distant friend of my boyfriend but whose photo I didn't even recognise. I added him because I recognised his name and then I thought 'what am I doing?' and realised I had entered into some sort of inane popularity competition. A completely inaccurate one because the 200 I deleted are not actual friends or even friends with me because I am popular - just to, in a lot of cases, make them look popular. How sad. But I am not condemning these people; I was the same last week. Now though I have about 190 people on my facebook who are genuine friends. I also deleted people who post things I don't want to know; one guy who posts his political views continually for example. Whilst I have actually become quite interested in politics recently I am not really interested in anyone else's political views - unless they are objective and open minded. So he went off to the virtual facebook bin. Then there were people who posted photo's of people I don't want to see. Ex-boyfriends, people who live up country, their great grandma's etc. etc. Half of that is boring and the other half is pointless - or it is all boring and pointless. Then there were people who use their statuses to piss people off and effectively bully people. Real tossers. If you've got something to say say it b'jesus. In fact if it's not very nice, DON'T fucking say it actually - keep it to yourself and let it eat you from the inside! Facebook (and other social networking sites I'm sure) are fantastic tools for bullies; 'Bully people from the comfort of your own home at the click of a button!' Fabulous. Then there were old school friends. People that I'd thought 'No way I remember him!' and added and never spoken to. I'd always looked forward to going to a school reunion but facebook's ruined this; I know what they're all up to and what they look like now. I contemplated ridding my facebook page of those huge farm/aquarium/cafe posts by deleting the crazy people who virtually water virtual plants but this included some of my close friends so I had to stop culling somewhere.

It was very liberating. Next time someone writes something that offends me - or anyone else, off they go to facebook heaven.

Also liberating is the fact that we have FINALLY given our notice at the shop. After lengthy and regular discussion about who was going to do it I decided after the (lack of) iphone annoyance that I would bite the bullet. But bite the bullet in a really wimpy way. So I text the guy. He isn't bothered so that's fabulous. We only have to pay May's money and then we have an extra £140 a month so we should be quids in next month (although you can guarantee we will have spent it before it comes).

Work has been ok this week. I have tried to get my head down and work my arse off and have succeeded for the mostpart. I have lots to do and it's a bit daunting. I would love to talk more about work on here because I feel it would be very therapeutic but it could also be a sacking offence so I'm going to have to keep my mouth shut so to speak. Or not as the case is.

I'm sure no-one's interested in the garden so you'll pleased to know that there's not much to tell. Only that Dale's been going planting-crazy and the whole fucking house is one big garden. There are plants everywhere. Apparently it's too early to plant them in the beds.

Bladel Strudel went to poo in the veggie patch and I had to run outside in socks and flip-flops - a good look - to stop him. I was really fucked off. So I have bought oranges so that I can sprinkle the peel around in the hope that this stops him from doing it again. Annoying as! It will also be beneficial for me to actually eat the oranges in light of the obesity fact.

Last night we went to the ale festival at the local and had a thoroughly good time. As usual Dale wanted to stop one pint before I did and unusually I won and am now contemplating the fact that he may have been right and therefore I consequently am wrong. :-/ We are supposed to be going again tonight; in fact we really should have saved ourselves for tonight because there was hardly anyone we knew there last night and tonight everyone is going. But this is the usual story for us. Aside from hangover and tiredness, we spent shedloads last night - I effectively drank my iphone. If we go out again tonight we may be drinking our petrol for the month. But that's never stopped us before.....

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